Thanks for checking out my online portfolio. I've always been drawn to technology and how it can help communicate. I taught myself to program in high school. In my 20's, I produced a printed newsletter for my friends and family. When AOL offerred free websites, I was one of the early adopters and took that newsletter online. I taught myself to code HTML. It was just enough to get me into a production position at Medscape. I learned a lot in those years...project management, UX/UI design, CSS, and much more. But the internet bubble burst and I along with it.

My partner and I started up Dobsonfly Design with the hope that we'd be our own bosses. A lack of marketing skills got in the way, and we had to fold the venture. Again, though, I learned a lot from the experience and added some print skills to my growing design background. And then I took a detour into retail to make ends meet.

My years at Tourneau were not in vain. I became much better at customer service...listening. It's a critical component of communication. Understanding clients' needs is the ultimate goal of any service provider. And now I have a full skill set that gives me an edge to other designers out there.

I'm not about furthering my own design agenda...I'm about working together with you to arrive at a final solution that exceeds your expectations. My goal is to make the design process as easy and effortless for you as possible.
